Here are the Best Ways to Use Your Baby Monitor


Here are the Best Ways to Use Your Baby Monitor

New parents want to make sure their baby is safe and sound at all times, even if they’re not in the same room. Baby monitor are a great way to give your baby peace of mind. You can now monitor your baby from anywhere you go, whether you’re at work or on the road.

Let’s have a look at which baby monitors are best for you, your budget, safety tips, and other considerations.

Types of baby monitors

  • Audio monitors
  • Video monitors
  • WiFi monitors

All of these features allow you monitor your baby in various ways. They can also be very helpful. It all depends on what your budget is, what features are important to you, and what your life style is.

Audio Monitors

An audio monitor can detect any noises your baby makes during sleep or wakefulness. However, unlike video monitors, audio monitors cannot always tell you whether your baby is awakened completely or just stirring in their sleep.

Although they are the most cost-friendly option, audio monitors can be a good choice. You will need this monitor if your baby is going to sleep in your room, and you’re only monitoring them when they are asleep or when you go to bed.

Video Monitors

Video monitors let you see your baby even when they’re asleep. Most video cameras can be attached to the wall of your baby’s room. Some video cameras also have night vision features, such as tilting, zooming, and tilting.

See also  The Ultimate Guide to Baby Monitors: Choosing the Right One for Your Family

You can have multiple video receivers so you can monitor your baby in different areas of the house.

WiFi Monitors

These monitors are connected to your WiFi network so that you can see and hear your baby through your smartphone or other digital devices.

This means you can monitor your baby even if your are away from home. It can be very reassuring especially if others are watching or if you have to be apart for a time.

How to Buy and Set Up Your Baby Monitor

It is best to get your monitor set up before your baby comes home. Frequency interference is a problem in every home. Some baby monitors will cause more frequency interference than others.

It is important to ensure that your baby monitor doesn’t pick up background noises like fans or air conditioners.

Safety Tips

Baby monitors are generally safe to use. But, if used improperly or without due diligence, there may be problems. Some issues can arise if the baby monitor is not used correctly.

Safety Cords for Baby Monitors are a must

Since 2002, seven babies have died from baby monitor cords. Three infants were almost suffocated in the same way.

The CPSC suggests that baby monitors with cords are placed at least three to four feet from a baby’s sleeping space. This includes a crib, bassinet, pack ‘n play, and crib. The CPSC warns against placing a monitor within a crib, or near the edge of a crib.

Watch out for Sleep Apnea Monitors

You can buy baby monitors that monitor your baby’s breathing to guard against sudden infant mortality syndrome (SIDS). These monitors are not recommended by the Academy Of American Pediatrics (AAP).

See also  The Ultimate Guide to Baby Breathing Monitors: Ensuring Your Baby's Safety

AAP claims these devices can be more dangerous than other things and have not been shown to protect against SIDS. You and your doctor should discuss whether your baby needs home oxygen or has breathing problems.

You should never allow a baby monitor or other electronic device to take over your supervision

Although baby monitors can be very useful, they should not be considered a substitute for parental supervision. Be aware if your baby isn’t moving for a while or you don’t hear them crying.

You should always check in on your baby when they’re not feeling well. Baby monitors won’t pick up fevers or other details that are only visible to a parent.

The Baby Monitor: Where should it be placed?

These rules are simple: make sure your baby monitor is not placed in the crib.

A video monitor will be mounted on a wall. You need to choose a location that allows you to properly record your baby. For more information on best practices, refer to the instructions included with your device.

How long to use a baby monitor

You can choose how long you want to use a baby-monitoring device. Baby monitors should be used for at most the first few months of a baby’s life, when they are likely to wake up frequently at night. These devices can also be used to help with naps by some parents.

But many parents end up continuing to use one into the toddler years too, as it can be helpful to see what your little one is doing when they enter the climbing-out-of-bed-stage of life.

See also  How to turn your phone into a baby monitor

Some parents opt to skip a baby monitor entirely. Parents may choose to not have a baby monitor because their baby prefers to sleep in their own room or because they do not find constant baby monitoring stressing. A baby monitor doesn’t have to be necessary, as long you can hear your baby wake up.

A Word from Verywell

Baby monitors will be a frequent topic of conversation as you make your baby registry. There are many baby monitors on the market today. You may not be sure if it is right for you or whether you need one with many features. Some people may wonder if they even need one.

Although baby monitors are very useful for most parents, some parents may be more comfortable with a simpler model. Baby monitors come with many features that will help you keep an ear on your baby.